Children will explore the alphabet with our free winter read it build it write it printable activity sheets. A great addition to all of your other wonderful winter activities for preschoolers!
Scroll down to grab your own copy of the free printable at the bottom of this post.
Teaching your students about the alphabet can seem overwhelming overwhelming at times. Especially considering that all individuals, children and adults alike, learn in a different way.
And that’s why I love our read it, write it, make it free alphabet printables so much! They give each student the chance to learn their letters in the ways in which they learn best. Along with this winter version, we also have spring and fall alphabet cards!
Table of Contents
That’s what makes our read it, write it, make it series so effective! We’ve taken into account the various ways that young minds learn and the fact that they need several meaningful modes of exposure while learning. And we put all of that into a single learning resource.
Follow the simple steps below to prepare the free printable alphabet cards and read it, make it, write it mats. As with all of our other free preschool printables, we’ve tried to make the process as simple as possible.
First thing’s first! Scroll down to the bottom of this post to get your copy of the printable cards and mat. Print off copies based on how you plan to use this activity in your classroom. We will touch on some activity ideas below.
Next, cut out the letter cards. For this step, you can use scissors or a paper trimmer.
Finally, I strongly suggest laminating both the cards and the mats. This will extend the life of the printable by both providing extra durability and creating a suitable surface for dry-erase markers. Dry erase pockets work well for the mats, but not as well for the alphabet cards.
And that’s it! Your winter read it, make it, write it printable activity is ready for your class to use.
Now that you have the winter resource printed and prepped, it’s time to put them to use in the classroom. Here is the main way we’ve used the mats:
First, provide the students with a winter read it, make it, build it mat and a few letter cards. Then, let them place a letter card in the “read it” space. Have the children study the shape and identify the letter and/or its sound. They can also practice distinguishing between capital and lower case letters.
Next, have them use a dry erase marker to write the letter out in the “write it” box. If they have trouble with this, it could be helpful to model writing the letter for the student and letting them trace the letters on the letter cards.
Finally, use some manipulative to let the students make or build the letter in the “make it” space. There are so many different things that can be used to create the shape of the letters.
As you can see in the photos, we used small snowflakes and sparkly dots. Here are a few other items that your students can use for the “make it” portion of the winter-themed activity (I may get commissions for purchases made through links in this post):
Look around your classroom for other ideas for the “make it” portion of the activity. Maybe you have some leftover pieces of yarn or a stack of bendy straws lying around that you can use. The possibilities are endless!
As I mentioned earlier, you can use the winter read it, build it, write it printable a few different ways. In addition to the original way we’ve used it, you can:
How would you and your students use the winter alphabet printable? Tell me about it in the comments below!
Now, you may be wondering how to teach the alphabet . . . what exactly is the best way to teach the alphabet? Well, I know that it’s taboo to answer a question with a question but that’s the only response I’ve got to this particular conundrum. And that question would be, “how do your students learn?”
My best advice here is to teach to your individual students! Make the learning meaningful and interesting, and remember that young children need to move and explore as they learn. In the article linked in the above paragraph, I have a lot more information to help you with teaching those ABCs.
With all of this in mind, it’s also crucial to understand another very important aspect of learning. Even though each child has their own unique learning preferences, every young mind needs multiple and meaningful exposure to new material. In a nutshell, that means that children need to experience the material in a variety of meaningful ways in order to learn and retain the information.
The winter alphabet printable is available to members of Fun-A-Day’s free email community. If you’re a member, pop your email in the form below to get the printable sent to your inbox.
If you’re not a member, that’s okay! You can enter your information in the form below to join us. You’ll get the winter read it, build it, write it printable as a welcome gift.
Please note that some school districts have very strict firewalls in place. If that’s the case where you work, I suggest using a personal email and accessing this from your home computer. If you have any further questions, be sure to check out my printing FAQ page.
You can also have the form open in a new tab if you prefer.
I know first hand how difficult it can be to get all of your weekly lesson plans done some days. That’s where Preschool Teacher 101 comes in to save you time (and stress)! We have tons of themed lesson plans, activity packs, book sets, and an original song series!
Our themes range from seasonal and holiday themes all the way to things like balls and cars. Check out some of my favorite winter-themed products below!
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