State Laws Regulating Insurance Coverage of Abortion Have Serious Consequences for Women’s Equality, Health, and Economic Stability

Abortion is an essential part of comprehensive reproductive health care for women. It is a medical procedure that more than 920,000 U.S. women obtain every year. Access to reproductive health care, including abortion, helps to ensure that a woman can make the important decision of whether and when to have children that is best for her and her family. Yet, accessing reproductive health care can be costly, making insurance coverage critical for women who are seeking an abortion. Without coverage of abortion, many women are forced to forgo care – threatening both their physical and economic health.

Despite the importance of insurance coverage of abortion, some state politicians have taken steps to withhold coverage from women who have decided to have an abortion. State laws prohibit private insurance plans from offering coverage of abortion and other state laws withhold coverage of abortion from women who are insured through the Medicaid program. In contrast, some states promote women’s health and economic security by ensuring that plans provide insurance coverage that includes abortion.

States Ensure that Women Have Insurance Coverage of Abortion

Some states require insurance plans to provide comprehensive coverage that includes coverage of abortion.