Individual Development Plans (IDPs)

After completing your assessment you will discover several desirable career paths to explore and it’s time to develop your Individual Development Plan (IDP). IDPs are designed for federal employees who want to improve performance in their current position, develop skills/abilities that could enhance their promotion potential in their career field or another career field, or prepare them for managerial/supervisory positions.

An IDP is a written plan and schedule designed to meet employee’s particular developmental goals. They provide a systematic method of planning for training and gaining experience in order to develop specific skills and knowledge needed to meet your short and long term career goals.

IDPs will be used by you and your supervisor to plan training and related developmental experiences (details, special projects, on-the-job training (OJT), etc.). They can change from year to year, and their primary purpose is to help you establish reasonable goals, assess your particular strengths, and evaluate progress relative to those goals.

IDPs are not mandatory except for certain supervisory and development programs including perspective Senior Executive Service (SES) applicants. However, all agencies encourage employees to participate in the IDP process. It is, however, required that supervisors advise, discuss, and participate in the development of IDPs with their employees who do not specifically decline it. Supervisors also:

  1. Brief employees about the IDP process
  2. Provide opportunities for employees to participate in this program

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