Is the de facto leader of the club. All officers are expected to report any updates about anything to the President. It is expected that the President works closely with the Vice-President as a cohesive unit and that they both work as a team with the other officers to promote the goals for the term, which are addressed by the club advisor. Finally, the concluding role of the President of HOSA is to oversee the smooth transition from the old to the new Cabinet.
- Seeks guidance of the Advisor as much as possible and makes sure that, when leading activities, that the club has their approval
- Collaborates and delegates work with the Vice-President. HOSA will, unofficially, have a co-presidency between the real President and the Vice-President. One will have to be responsible for leading regular members and the other will be responsible for State Leadership Conference preparation
- Keeps in touch with Secretary and helps with getting State Competition forms in order
- Seeks the counsel of the Treasurer about what should be done to meet the fundraising goal of the term
- Seeks Parliamentarian’s help with establishing regular meeting agendas
- Gives advice to the Volunteer Coordinator for the Semesterly HOSA Service Project
- Tells Social Media director what and when to post
Serves as the substitute for the President. In Liberty’s HOSA, we will unofficially have a co-presidency between the real President and the Vice-President. It is expected that, after elections, the two will decide which one will be responsible for preparing competitive HOSA members for State Leadership Conference in the Spring and which one will be responsible for non-competitive member projects (i.e: blood drives, weekly meetings, etc.). For one person to deal with competitive and non-competitive members is a hard task, so this role must be decisively split between the two.
- When coordinating large projects that need approval, it is the responsibility of either Presidents to ensure that they have the appropriate approval from the club Advisor
- It is expected that the Vice-President and President work cohesively together as a single unit within the HOSA Officer Team. Together, they should constantly strive to set an example of good teamwork and unity
- The Vice-President will help the Secretary with printing out forms for State Leadership Conference in Spring and making sure that these competitors are prepared
- The Vice-President will help the Treasurer turn their fundraising ideas into fundraising projects
- The Vice-President will help the Parliamentarian keep the President on track with the agenda
- The Vice-President will help the Volunteer Coordinator with anything they may need
-The Vice-President will help the Social Media Director with what to post
The Secretary of HOSA is responsible for managing general paperwork. They also work with the Parliamentarian to discuss the making of the weekly meeting agendas and they work together to send out and manage the email updates. The Secretary is required to be present every weekly meeting (usually Thursdays) to make note of the Meeting Minutes in the Secretary’s Records. The Secretary also manages the membership list with the Treasurer. They are expected to cut members who fail to meet expectations a week after every Quarter and to “clean” the official member list.
- The Secretary will keep the Club Advisor updated on who is and who is not a competitor
- If neither Presidents are available to attend meetings, the Secretary is expected to take over the meetings
- The Secretary will work with the Treasurer to keep the HOSA member list up-to-date
- The Secretary will work with the Parliamentarian to produce the agendas for the weekly meetings
- The Secretary will work with the Volunteer Coordinator to advise them on the paperwork for their projects
- The Secretary will provide any content about events that they attended but the Social Media Coordinator didn’t to the Social Media Director and remind them to post it
The Treasurer is similar to the Secretary, but instead they specifically keep track of financially (money) related records. They are the member which is officially responsible for coordinating fundraising efforts and meeting the club’s financial goal for the term.
- The Treasurer will seek the guidance of the Club Advisor for how to reach the financial goal
- The Treasurer will express their ideas to the President and ask them how to turn their fundraising ideas into real projects
- The Treasurer will push the Vice-President to help make their project more convincing to the real President
- The Treasurer will coordinate with the Secretary which HOSA competitors still need to pay for HOSA State Leadership Conference in Spring
- The Treasurer will coordinate with the Parliamentarian any progress in terms of fundraising to announce in the weekly meeting agendas
- The Treasurer will support the Volunteer Coordinator in their success as much as they can
- The Treasurer will provide any content about events that they attended but the Social Media Coordinator didn’t to the Social Media Director and remind them to post it
The Parliamentarian is the officer which helps keeps meetings in order. Normally, they will plan the weekly meeting agendas with the Secretary. At the meetings, they are in charge with keeping the club engaged. The duty of the email updates is shared with the Secretary.
- The Parliamentarian is responsible for updating the Club Advisor about what is going in the club and address any needs
- The Parliamentarian is responsible for helping the President keep members on-task and engaged. Also helps to coordinate training workshops for State Leadership Conference competitions in Spring
- The Parliamentarian is responsible for helping the Vice-President with whatever help they may need as, much as they can
- The Parliamentarian is responsible for helping the Secretary coordinate weekly meeting agendas and sending out the weekly email updates on the official HOSA G-Mail
- The Parliamentarian is responsible for helping the Treasurer remind competitors to pay their fees for competitions and remind competitors that they need to help the Treasurer with fundraising
- The Parliamentarian is responsible for helping the Volunteer Coordinator with their project as much as they can
- The Parliamentarian will provide any content about events that they attended but the Social Media Coordinator didn’t to the Social Media Director and remind them to post it
The Volunteer Coordinator’s role in HOSA is to cater to the service part of HOSA Club. They must commit to leading a service project for the club to get volunteer members more engaged in the club every semester. Keep in mind that in HOSA it is up to individual members to keep track of their own hours. If members need volunteer signatures (i.e: for NHS) it is the Volunteer Coordinator who will sign-off on these types of forms for members.
- The Volunteer Coordinator will submit their service project proposal to the Club Advisor by the end of the first month of the semester. The Club Advisor will tell them whether or not they are approved and what they’ll need to do to get approval
- The Volunteer Coordinator will ask the Presidents’ help with gaining support and inspiration for the project
- The Volunteer Coordinator will work with the Secretary to get their service project into the regular agenda
- The Volunteer Coordinator will ask the Treasurer for advice on fundraising if the project needs it
- The Volunteer Coordinator will ask the Parliamentarian to constantly promote their project to members at meetings
- The Volunteer Coordinator will ask the Social Media director to post about updates on their semesterly project
Social Media Director
The Social Media Director’s role is not limited to social media, although it is expected that they are skilled in using various social media platforms. Their duty is to advertise the achievements of the club on social media but to also advertise any important events. The advertisement role can be achieved through various medium (i.e: Instagram, posters, PowerPoint, etc.). When making posters for the school, it’s important to note that approval is needed.
- The Social Media Director will share any photos of club events to the Club Advisor as per request
- The Social Media Director will help the President and Vice-President develop the HOSA Club Website, and with any PowerPoint presentation or poster project as per request
- The Social Media Director will help the Secretary make advertisements for HOSA Club
- The Social Media Director will help the Treasurer by advertising their fundraising project through any medium
- The Social Media Director will help the Parliamentarian by spreading the weekly meeting agenda information on our social media platforms
- The Social Media Director will help the Volunteer Coordinator by posting anything they need and making posters as per request